Fw: Topband: Stew Perry Spots!!!!
Sun, 29 Dec 2002 21:36:49 -0500
If someone is in the contest, and do not send a log, (nor a check-log), then
the Q´s of other stations made with this one can be understood like
"invented"(?). If you set up a logging program to send spots and not for
receiving doesn´t do any sense, obviously, you have readen (or you MUST) the
rules, and they are clear, "...no packet spotting is allowed". Maybe the
rules must be changed..? Do not know..! If someone uses cluster, and see a
nice DX there, there are much more possibilities to get it than others
without packet conection. Otherwise, if you have to find by yourself (the
goal of the contest?) the best QSOs, like people did in the past, you
probably go over the DX frecuency and miss it. Not a problem if a station
out of the contest spots someone in it, people must not know rules for every
contest, but why people IN a contest with no packet cluster permit use it..?
Do they only set up logging program with the adecuate contest, and starts
sending..? IMHO, this is advantage to others, either you are "casual" or
fully active in the contest.
HNY all