Topband: propagation during the Stew Perry test

Garry Shapiro
Mon, 30 Dec 2002 06:18:35 -0500

Same here.

I was QRV for the "rump" session Saturday morning in the Stew. In the half
hour or so between 1500 and the ionization of the D layer by the rising sun,
I logged a few dozen western stations, KH6ND and KH7O . No JA's were heard
here---not a good sign.

I was again QRV before local sunset around 0100, but, by 0600 it was pretty
obvious that condx were far from exciting. Worked very few east coast, and
heard not a single DX station, not even from the Caribbean. At that point,
all the CQers were in the log, and S&P was producing a new QSO about every
five or ten minutes.

Given that, I opted for watching videos with my wife, and shut down the
station. I did not bother with the morning "opening"--if there was one.

I always look forward to the last week of the year, which has frequently
produced interesting openings, but this week has been flat.

With the exception of the 3XY, 9L and XW, 160 has been as exciting here this
season as watching paint dry. Not a single European heard here yet.

Garry, NI6T