Topband: Re: Sudan DXpedition in March

Takeshi Yoshida
Mon, 30 Dec 2002 06:20:18 -0500

At 18:17 2002/12/29 -0500, you wrote:
 >        This is great news!  The German gang always does a great job on 
 >with their Titanex and superb low band operators (Dietmar DL3DXX usually 
does 160).
 >The last 160 operation I'm aware of from Sudan was by DF3NZ/ST2 in the 
early 80's
 >and that was quite limited.  Prior to that, ST2AY (now VK4YB) was active 
in the mid
 >70's.  If you can help them with their requests below, please do so as 
there is not a
 >better group to activate than this one!  Check this link for some of 
their past operations:
 >                                                    73 & Happy New Year!
 >                                                    Bill  W4ZV
 >Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #592:
 >ST, SUDAN. Chris, DL5NAM, informs OPDX that after solving many problems,
                       / / snip / /
 >For questions, please contact them via E-mail at: 

Yes, That's a BIG NEWS for us.

Many times, Dietmar DL3DXX and group give us new ones on the top band.

Though only few JAs had YN on 160M before, 56 JA guys could get
H7DX - Nicaragua on 160 by Dietmar's effort in this spring.

I have my Web page (There are in Japanese though) as follows:
    H7DX page:
    ST0RY page:

A Very Happy New Year to You All!

73,   de Yosi JA3AAW <>, <>