Topband: Propagation during the Stew Perry
Mon, 30 Dec 2002 08:04:19 EST

Openings to Europe are few and far between here in the south tip of TX. When 
I lived in No. Illinois I was envious of New England and the eastern 
seaboard. In the last 13 years I've added most of the area east of the 
Mississippi to my envy list.....especially in the last few years. This last 
week was an exception. Around the 21st and 22nd Europe was good here, late, 
as usual (0500-0700), but good. I was further encouraged on the morning of 
the 27th to work JT1CO about 10 minutes before sunrise, looking the other 
direction. During the S.P., Europe was really coming thru well. I worked 15 
and heard more in the couple hours I was on. When I checked the band in the 
morning, JA's were very weak. I worked a couple but it was not as good as the 
usual conditions to the west, by a long shot. JA's are usually there every 
Considering the posts about conditions, I feel lucky to have been in "The 
Promised Land" this last week as far as Eu is concerned. I wonder what those 
of you who really know a lot about  the subject have to say to shed more 
light on the patterns observed.
On another "thread", I was one of those "casuals' in the test this weekend, 
and posted a few stations I heard on the Summit, via the internet. Reading 
the posts on that subject might make a person like me feel bad about adding 
to temptation....but no, I don't. Afterall, what we accomplish, and under 
what rules we do it is most important only to ourselves. If someone breaks 
the rules of a contest and benefits in the results, who will be hurt? Who 
will feel they can hold their head up and who will look at the ground. And, 
in the long haul, will it matter to anyone but themselves? I don't think so.  
73's and best DX, Topbanders, Barry, W9UCW

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