Topband: Noise and reception
George & Marijke Guerin
Tue, 12 Feb 2002 17:28:25 +0000
Thanks to all who made note of the K6STI loop.
The K3KY website shows the loop fed with 450 ohm ladderline. The
original article is much more detailed. I urge anyone who has questions to
get the September 1995 issue of QST Magazine and read it all. The
transformer and two band matching become very clear.
There is reference to a loop with approximately 50 foot sides for only
160 meters. Can anyone tell me how the turns ratio and tuning capacitor
configured for the single band RX loop?
Also note the loop is about omni-directional, so it is not going to
reject a noise source as would beverages or vertically oriented directional
or phased loops.
73 George K8GG