2002-February Archives by Author
Starting: Fri Feb 1 00:59:13 2002
Ending: Thu Feb 28 20:01:24 2002
Messages: 252
- Topband: Beverage grounds
- Topband: Re: Noise and reception
by way of Bill Tippett
- Topband: Confessions of A Known Criminal
by way of Bill Tippett
- Topband: Beacons
- Topband: Confessions of A Known Criminal
- Topband: 160m band plan
Jon Zaimes AA1K
- Topband: H7DX
Jon Zaimes AA1K
- Topband: Delaware report
Jon Zaimes AA1K
- Topband: Band plan on 160 during SSB contests
Tom Baugh
- Topband: 160 band plan
Bernie McClenny, W3UR
- Topband: African Topband convention 2009
Bernie, CMS
- Topband: Beacons
Dave Bowker
- Topband: meeting
Andrew Chesnokov
- Topband: Noise cancellers
Donald Chester
- Topband: Noise and reception
Donald Chester
- Topband: Noise and reception (K6STI loop)
Donald Chester
- Topband: Elevated beverage
Donald Chester
- Fw: Topband: Noise and reception
Donald Chester
- Topband: Power line communication (PLC) - Trends in Holland
Donald Chester
- Topband: Verticals: shunt vs series feed
Donald Chester
- Topband: Signal on 1952.250
Donald Chester
- Topband: Conditions on 160m last night
Donald Chester
- Topband: Beverage grounds
Donald Chester
- Topband: JT1CO
Ken Claerbout
- Topband: JT1CO
Ken Claerbout
- Topband: JT1CO
Ken Claerbout
- Topband: H7DX
Susan and Ted Cohen
- Topband: H7DX
Susan and Ted Cohen
- Topband: H7DX
Susan and Ted Cohen
- Topband: Shortend Vertical model questions
Billy Cox
- Topband: Re: 160 band plan
Joe Craig
- Topband: Across the mountains
- Topband: 160m bandplan
- Topband: 160M preamp
Frank Davis
- Topband: 160M preamp
Frank Davis
- Topband: 160m band plan for Phone contest
John Devoldere
- Topband: Bandplan/contest - a view from EU
Chris Duckling
- Topband: Shortend Vertical model questions
Phil Duff
- Topband: TI9M
Bob Eldridge
- SV: Topband: 160 band plan
Ole Forr
- SV: Topband: Band plan violations
Ole Forr
- Topband: BCK
- Topband: Let's try stuff
Clive GM3POI
- Topband: Dipole Height
Bill Gerhold
- Topband: 160m band plan
Bill Gerhold
- Topband: RE: Digimodes
Bill Gerhold
- Topband: Re: Topband Digimodes
Bill Gerhold
- Topband: Fantastic 160 Opening to EU
Thomas Giella
- Topband: Power line communication (PLC) - Trends in Holland
Ulli Grunow
- Topband: S9LA on topband - filters for 160m for next time Dx-peditions
Ulli Grunow
- Topband: Power line communication (PLC) - Trends in Holland
Ulli Grunow
- Topband: Noise and reception
George & Marijke Guerin
- Topband: High Pass Filters
George & Marijke Guerin
- Fw: Topband: Noise and reception
George & Marijke Guerin
- Topband: PW0T
George & Marijke Guerin
- Topband: Digimodes
George & Marijke Guerin
- Topband: One Way Propagation
Nick Hall-Patch
- Topband: Top Band "Gathering" - Dayton Hamvention 2002
Fred Handscombe
- Topband: Noise source problem
Fred Handscombe
- Topband: VP8DEL ... no 160 operation
Dave Henderson
- Topband: Band plan violations
Dave Henderson
- Topband: Shortend Vertical model questions
Jerry Heron
- Topband: 5u1a
- Topband: Down Under Diary 8 Feb 2001
Steve Ireland
- Topband: 5u expedition
Steve Ireland
- Topband: S9LA
Steve Ireland
- Topband: Noise and reception
Steve Ireland
- Topband: Let's try stuff
Steve Ireland
- Topband: Noise and reception
Steve Ireland
- Topband: Polarisation and Power Coupling
Steve Ireland
- Topband: Let's try stuff
Steve Ireland
- Topband: Polarisation and Power Coupling
Steve Ireland
- Topband: Band planning in contests
Steve Ireland
- Topband: SSB splatter problems during contest
- Topband: Conditions on 160m last night
Milt Jensen
- Topband: Opposition Statements to RM-10352
Keith Jillings
- Topband: Powerline Technologies (PLT) for Broadband Internet access
Peter COOK John
- Topband: AF4LX/KH0
Joseph Johnson
- Topband: ref; Help/W6SAI Omega Matched Tower.
William F. Beyer Jr.
- Topband: Noise source problem
- Topband: Shortend Vertical model questions
- Topband: Shortend Vertical model questions
- Topband: Beverage's Other Antenna
- Topband: heavy seas
Carl K9LA
- Topband: Radials
Paul DeWitte K9OT
- Topband: Band plan
Paul DeWitte K9OT
- Topband: SSB Contests on 160
John K9UWA
- Topband: Propagation Saturday night
Richard Karlquist
- Topband: Re: Noise and reception
Richard Karlquist
- Topband: Beverage grounds
Richard Karlquist
- Topband: Sub-band for split operation mirroring the DX window?
Richard Karlquist
- Topband: JT1CO Paths
John Kaufmann
- Topband: Let's try stuff
John Kaufmann
- Topband: wire in the trees
- Topband: 160 this morning
Kurzenknabe, Barbara and Glenn
- SV: Topband: 160m band plan
- Topband: 5R8FU this weekend
Bruce Lee
- Topband: carrier
Steve Litwins
- Topband: Ducie Island Operation
Jeff Maass
- Topband: SSB Contests on 160
Jeff Maass
- Topband: TI9M
Jeff Maass
- Topband: PW0T
Mr. Magoo
- Topband: "OUT OF BAND"
Mr. Magoo
- Topband: 160 receiving loops
Jack Markum
- Topband: Special WW II Consol Radio Station
Martin-de-la-Fuente, Maximo
- Topband: Beacons
Steve McDonald
- Topband: Beverage's Other Antenna
William G. McDowell
- Topband: Power Line Networking Article
- Topband: Let's try stuff
- Topband: Noise and reception
- Topband: Beverage grounds
Steve Miller
- Topband: Shorty Beverage Follow-up
Larry Molitor
- Topband: Topband Conditions
Larry Molitor
- Topband: Shorty Beverages
Larry Molitor
- Topband: Beverage grounds
Larry Molitor
- Topband: Beverage grounds
Larry Molitor
- Topband: Beverage grounds
Larry Molitor
- Topband: PW0T
Barry N1EU
- Topband: PW0T
Barry N1EU
- Topband: Re: 160 band plan
Barry N1EU
- Topband: PW0T 160M Online Logs
Barry N1EU
- Topband: shunt feeding the tower for 160m
- Topband: 160m band plan
Dennis O'Connor
- Topband: Down Under Diary 8 Feb 2001
Ragnar Otterstad
- Topband: S9LA
Ragnar Otterstad
- Topband: YA5T
Ragnar Otterstad
- Topband: PW0T
Ragnar Otterstad
- Topband: TI9M
Ragnar Otterstad
- Topband: Re: Topband digest, Vol 1 #209 - 9 msgs
Ragnar Otterstad
- Topband: H7DX
Ragnar Otterstad
- Topband: Re: Topband Digimodes
Ford Peterson
- Topband: Confessions of A Known Criminal
Ford Peterson
- Topband: Noise source problem
Terry Posey
- Topband: 160m band plan
Mike Del Pozzo
- Topband: Opposition Statements to RM-10352
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Beacons
Tom Rauch
- Topband: NDB's and Fishing Beacons
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Shortend Vertical model questions
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Shortend Vertical model questions
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Shortend Vertical model questions
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Noise and reception (K6STI loop)
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Shortend Vertical model questions
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Elevated beverage
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Noise and reception
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Let's try stuff
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Noise and reception
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Noise and reception
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Let's try stuff
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Re: Noise and reception
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Polarisation and Power Coupling
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Noise and reception
Tom Rauch
- Topband: BCK
Tom Rauch
- [SECC] Re: Topband: Conditions on 160m last night
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Let's try stuff
Tom Rauch
- SV: Topband: 160 band plan
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Digimodes
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Beverage grounds
Tom Rauch
- SV: Topband: 160m band plan
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Sub-band for split operation mirroring the DX window?
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Beverage grounds
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Power line communication (PLC) - Trends in Holland
Brad Rehm
- Topband: Power line communication (PLC) - Trends in Holland
Brad Rehm
- Topband: Power line communication (PLC) - Trends in Holland
Brad Rehm
- Topband: VP8GEO
Joe Reisert
- Topband: Conditions on 160m last night
Joe Reisert
- Topband: Shortend Vertical model questions
Tony Reynolds
- Topband: Shortend Vertical model questions
Tony Reynolds
- Topband: Shortend Vertical model questions
Tony Reynolds
- Topband: Shortend Vertical model questions
Tony Reynolds
- Topband: Shortend Vertical model questions
Tony Reynolds
- Topband: (the bandplan is working) Conditions on 160m last night
Tony Reynolds
- Topband: TI9M
Ronald Stuy, PA3EWP
- Topband: TI9M
Ronald Stuy, PA3EWP
- Topband: Multiple Antennas/Single Preamp?
Eric Rosenberg
- Topband: antenna questions
Stephen Schoeffel
- Topband: Noise cancellers
Floyd Sense
- Topband: Short antennas
Rudy Severns
- Topband: Low Band DXing
Rudy Severns
- Topband: Shunt fed verticals
Rudy Severns
- Topband: Beacons
Barrie Smith
- Topband: S9LA
Pete Smith
- Topband: Polarisation and Power Coupling
Pete Smith
- Topband: 1843
Pete Smith
- Topband: (no subject)
- Topband: Re: Noise and reception
Valeri Stefanov
- Topband: Band plan on 160 during SSB contests
Valeri Stefanov
- Topband: 5R8FU
George Taft
- Topband: 5R8FU
George Taft
- Topband: TI9M
George Taft
- Topband: 5N6EAM
George Taft
- Topband: DU9/N0NM has amp - QRV agn on top band
George Taft
- Topband: Shortend Vertical model questions
Bob Tellefsen
- Topband: H7DX & TI9M
Thomas Giella, KN4LF
- Topband: RM-10352 Deadline Tomorrow
Bill Tippett
- Topband: Opposition Statements to RM-10352
Bill Tippett
- Topband: Re: Signal on 1952.250
Bill Tippett
- Topband: JT1CO Paths
Bill Tippett
- Topband: JT1CO Paths
Bill Tippett
- Topband: 160m band plan
Bill Tippett
- Topband: Conditions on 160m last night
Bill Tippett
- Topband: (the bandplan is working) Conditions on 160m last
Bill Tippett
- Topband: (the bandplan is working) Conditions on 160m last
Bill Tippett
- Topband: Re: 160 band plan
Bill Tippett
- Topband: 160m band plan
Bill Tippett
- SV: Topband: 160m band plan
Bill Tippett
- Topband: Re: 1843
Bill Tippett
- Topband: Elevated Radials
Nodir M. Tursoon-Zadeh
- Topband: YN/PW0
Ryszard Tymkiewicz
Vlad UA2FF
- Topband: Re: RM-10352 Deadline Tomorrow
- Topband: Conditions on 160m last night
John Vickers
- Topband: Conditions on 160m last night
John Vickers
- Topband: Noise and reception
- Topband: Directional Receive Antennas
- Topband: Low Band DXing
Doug Waller
- Topband: Rotatable Beverage
Doug Waller
- Topband: Shortend Vertical model questions
Doug Waller
- Topband: Re: Noise and reception
Doug Waller
- Topband: Directional Receive Antennas
Doug Waller
- Topband: ground wave & vertical polarization
Al Williams
Takeshi Yoshida
- Topband: Let's try stuff
Greg - ZL3IX
- Topband: Polarisation and Power Coupling
Greg - ZL3IX
- Topband: Shortend Vertical model questions
Zivney, Terry L.
- Topband: Idaho Sked Needed
- Topband: I Got Idaho!
- Topband: (the bandplan is working) Conditions on 160m last
ted demopoulos
- Topband: Power line communication (PLC) - Trends in Holland
- Topband: Noise and reception
- Topband: Noise and reception
- Fw: Topband: Noise and reception
- Topband: Noise and reception (K6STI loop)
- Topband: Noise and reception
- Topband: Power line communication (PLC) - Trends in Holland
- Topband: Noise and reception
- Topband: Noise and reception
- Topband: Noise and reception
- Topband: 160 band plan
- Topband: Visalia DX Convention Topband Dinner
- Topband: FT-1000MP Key Clicks
- Topband: 5U1A
- Fw: Re: Topband: Noise and reception
- Topband: Shunt fed verticals
- Topband: PW0T
- Topband: Band Plan
- Topband: 5R8FU last night
- Topband: Conditions on 160m last night
- Topband: 160m band plan
- Topband: (no subject)
gary nichols
- Topband: SSB splatter problems during contest
gary nichols
- Topband: Re: Topband digest, Vol 1 #209 - 9 msgs
- Topband: RM-10352 Deadline Tomorrow
Last message date:
Thu Feb 28 20:01:24 2002
Archived on: Thu Feb 28 15:19:05 2002
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.05 (Mailman edition).