Topband: 5R8FU last night
Wed, 20 Feb 2002 08:39:49 -0500

        Well, I staked out a spot on 1834 around 0225Z waiting for Aki to show up at his sunrise just like the e-mails from you guys said he would. Lo and behold, someone starts CQing for USA at around 0230 with a weak signal on 1833.85. At first I catch only bits and pieces including "FU" and "R8" , then a complete "CQ USA". I waited until I could hear his full call and know I could hear my call and report. His signal was building by the second. I called him at 0234Z while he was a good 559 and he came right back with a "Hi Ken, 579, 579" . His signal built up to a 579 before abruptly ending at 0240z.             Thanks to whoever posted the information about 5R8FU calling at his sunrise. Nice to work a new one on topband!
73, Ken, N4UK