Topband: 160m band plan

Dennis O'Connor
Mon, 25 Feb 2002 08:51:53 -0500

Bill, just a comment from someone who has been around a long time...
First, I have zero tolerance for those who would deliberately jam you or
intentionally interfere with your operation...
Second, I am a CW operator but I don't have much time to operate in recent
years... When I have ten minutes to get on the band I will spin the dial
looking for someone calling CQ, especially DX... Being that it is 160 meters
and noisy and being that I am perferentially looking for weak signals,  I am
using cascaded 250 cycle IF crystal filters with DSP on the audio that
limits it to roughly 100 cycles...  When I hear someone and I don't hear
anyone else on THAT frequency I call them... You have to understand that if
I don't hear you, you don't exist in my world....   If you happen to be  300
cycles away on PSK31 and your receiver can't walk the walk, you are going to
get hammered... It is not deliberate... It is not personal... It is not even
interference... It is just another signal on the band, per the band plan...
Complaining that my CW signals are pumping your AGC is not going to net you
a whole bunch of sympathy.. .  When digital signals were assigned to that
portion of the band it did not mean that they became the primary mode and CW
is now a secondary user who must cease operation to avoid interfering with
the primary users...
Welcome aboard, but please don't whine...

Denny - K8DO  (old time RTTY opeator who still likes the smell of WD40 and
Singer Sewing Machine oil)


Original Message -----
From: "Bill Gerhold" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2002 4:24 PM
Subject: RE: Topband: 160m band plan

> Not so, and I'm a complaining digital op.