Topband: Elevated beverage
Donald Chester
Thu, 14 Feb 2002 01:43:11
Wonder if anyone has ever tried to elevate a beverage above ground, by using
relatively tall poles, 20' or so high. Run two wires, one directly above
the other, separated by 5-10 ft. The top wire would serve as the normal
beverage wire, and the bottom wire would substitute for the ground. The
terminating resistor and matching transformer would be the same as with a
normal ground mounted beverage.
The advantage of this arrangement would be that it could go over roads,
cultivated fields, etc. where a normal beverage would be impossible.
I got the idea when someone told me about a half mile of abandoned single
phase power line that crossed his property and he was thinking about what
kind of antenna he could use it for. Then I was reading W1WCR's beverage
book where he mentions that for HF, the beverage should work better over
good ground instead of over poor soil; in fact he recommends running an
insulated ground wire directly under the beverage wire to improve the
effective ground conductivity. Why not just elevate the whole thing high
enough to get it out of the way of ground traffic?
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