Topband: Noise and reception
Sun, 17 Feb 2002 18:38:53 -0500
Hi, Tom-
I think we may be reaching your frustration limit in this thread. A
couple of general comments- I just want to be sure you know
where I am coming from in this discussion...
I don't think you have yet made a single technical comment about
small horizontal loops such as the K6STI that I could disagree
with. I want it clearly understood that I very much respect your
technical qualifications in the subject area, your considerable
achievements on top band, and the contribution that you make
to everyone's understanding and enthusiasm about the band
by what you post on the reflector and on your website.
I genuinely look foreward to reading all your emails.
In some recent emails to me, both on and off-reflector, you have
pointed out that I have made some comments that can't be
directly connected with anything you wrote on the subject
recently. That is true. Some of what I wrote was at a slightly
more personal level, and amounted to speculation on my part
as to what your attitude or intentions might be when you post
on the particular subject of small horizontal loops. You do seem
to have a pretty negative attitude about them. I do indeed accept
that you did a tremendous amount of experimentation over the
years and do have direct experience with both the general type
and the specific instance (K6STI loop). Perhaps the part of my
argument you are missing is more related to 'policy' as opposed
to technology. This might be a 'blind spot' for you. Having been
a player on topband for many years, you have developed a
very positive (well-deserved) image, and I believe that hams
with topband interest give your words added emphasis when
you weigh in with comments.
If, as a newcomer, I approached the particular instance of
K6STI's antenna- if I carefully read the QST articles and then
spent a lot of time reading from the Topband archives of
recent years, I'm afraid that there is no doubt on my part that
I would conclude that the K6STI loop is a bad bet and I would
never try one. There have been too many negative comments
from a number of sources. I bet I would find that the number of
negative posts far exceeds the few glowing testimonials. And yet
for whatever reason, I did bother to build one and was satisfied
with it to the point that I have rebuilt it twice after huge tree
branches fell on it and broke wires and supports.
I can only repeat my plea the we be lavish in our praise
*where it is warranted* but sparing in our criticism when an
idea fails to pan out. Getting back to a specific matter, I was
disappointed when a ham dismissed the antenna based on a
personal modification of the antenna that might have a major
detrimental affect on the performance. I thought that was
unfair and not helpful. I don't think the antenna was given a
fair or reasonable try in that instance because of what I believe
was a significant design mod.
One other specific comment- much of the time, I find that my
K6STI loop hears the best to the south out of my collection
of 4 receiving antennas. This should come as no surprise, as
my Flag and 225ft shorty Beverage point NE and my K9AY
points W and they are directional. What does surprise is that
the K6STI, which is supposed to be entirely non-directional,
is often keeping up very nicely with the others looking NE or
W as appropriate. This seems counter-intuitive, but is
none the less what I sometimes observe. All I am saying is that
the STI loop provides usable improvement in S/N (*when it is
capturing usable signal*) over my transmit verticals, and it
does so in essentially all compass directions. Of course, there
are other times when it is deaf and I am still getting faint
signals on the tx antennas, with slightly positive S/N. It is kind
of a crap shoot with this particular antenna, but it sometimes
My *interpretation* of all your comments on the subject to date
and your personal comments to me directly is that you still
maintain that vertical loops like the Flag, K9AY, Ewe, etc.
'want to work' and the K6STI basically does not. But on the
other hand, you do not disallow that my particular antenna
might 'work'. I say it does- just how well it does I really can't
say, but certainly well enough that I want to keep it.
I wish I had room for real Beverages! I think I am just going to
have to be satisfied with having had the opportunity to make
my point, and take my tattered shirt and go home. I'm never
going to keep up with you in a technical argument. I don't
think I will try. :o) 73, David K3KY