Topband: Surgestions for split Freq required - CQWW 160 CW-SSB Contests
Maurizio Panicara
Fri, 11 Jan 2002 23:29:54 +0100
> Below are my surgested TX frequencys.
> CW = TX on 1830 RX ON 18.????
> SSB = TX on 1845 RX ON 18.????
In my opinion this appear not to be a good idea in order to produce the best
possible score.
Why settling to work split with USA where iso-frequency operation is allowed
is a bit meaningless and there's also no benefit to fight with many
others.... unless the hidden aim is to quarrel all the time rather than
dealing with QSOs and making points.
I think one should care first to produce a good signal to be heard and park
himself out off the mess because this is the best way to be noticed. A good
receiving system and trying to do it out of the mess to pick up the most
weak signals is even more important than the previous.
As a matter of facts fixed good frequencies doesn't exist and cleaner spots
are totally unpredictable in advance, and will change several times during
the contest.
A clean spot for transmitting is not the easiest matter but's not
impossible, expecially in countries where the allowed band is wide.
Mauri I4JMY
> Btu de Alan H G8OO - M0ABC/P in both CQWW 160m Contests.