Topband: 160 Meter Transceiver?
Fri, 18 Jan 2002 06:42:30 -0600
Hello all Topbanders;
Some time ago, I heard from someone, and I don't remem-
ber from whom, that the Kenwood TS-930S had the "hot"
receiver for DX'ing on 160 meters. Has anyone else heard
that or was that just someone's opinion?
I was using a Kenwood TS-940S, with the stock 500 Hz
filters in it until a couple of years ago. I had bought the rig
used. It worked great until I had a lightning strike on one of
my antennas & a few things got damaged in the shack. I
think that the lightning strike "weakened" a few components
in the TS-940, as I had to have some repairs done on it
after that.
After a few repairs, I decided to "retire" the radio & buy a
new one. I purchased a Yaesu FT-1000MP (the earlier
version). It has the stock filters that came with it. I have not made any
modifications to it. As far as features and ease of operating, I liked the
TS-940S better than the 1000MP. I
have not yet taken the time to acquaint myself with the DSP
or notch filtering features of the radio.
Any comments regarding what I had heard about the TS-930 would be appreciated.
Also, any helpful hints on the
operation of the 1000MP would also be welcome. I've
been currently experiencing SEVERE power line noise at
my QTH the past couple of months and have yet to get the
local utility to do anything about it, so I haven't spent a lot
of time on the low bands lately.
Please reply directly to me. Thank you. Good DX & 73
de Brad, N9EN