Bill Tippett
Sun, 10 Mar 2002 11:41:29 +0000
I was also at the Charlotte Hamfest yesterday but I
would not be so quick to judge what was obviously an early
prototype. Ten-Tec is at least 6 months from production and
they specifically mentioned that the display would likely
change. Personally I am less interested in cosmetic appearance
than the technical performance. However, I actually liked the
dark black case with the chrome knobs which reminded me of
the FT-1000D.
Here are a few things I learned:
* Production is next Fall at the earliest.
* Technical specifications will be available by Dayton.
* Price including 6.0, 2.4 and 1.0 kHz filters approx $3300.
* Optional 1.8 kHz, 500 Hz and 250 Hz filters $109 each.
* External conrol for RIT, etc. $139
Since their technical guy was not around, I didn't learn much more
than was on their printed flyer which is identical to this:
In my opinion, Ten-tec is indeed listening and the Orion
will definitely be worth a closer look when the technical specs
are finalized and after independent tests are done. As always,
I never buy anything electronic until it has been in production
for at least one year, so there will be plenty of time to evaluate
the Orion. Let's put an end to this thread and wait for some real
data before we draw too many conclusions, pro or con.
73, Bill W4ZV