Topband: Topbanders' Dx Dinner
Mon, 11 Mar 2002 09:32:24 -0800

The Topbanders' DX Dinner will be Friday, 26 April 2002 at 7:30 PM in the
banquet room at Sizzler's Restaurant, 2121 W Caldwell in Visalia,
California during the International DX Convention.  Dinner attendees will
order from the Sizzler's menu and pay their tabs individually.  There is
no other fee.

After dinner speakers will be N7JW & K7CA who will put on a presentation
about their 28-element 160-meter antenna array in Utah, and N6FF who will
put on a show about the recent PW0T DXpedition.  Also, W6OSP will give a
talk about the Northern California DX Foundation (NCDXF), a sponsor of
many DXpeditions.

So far, 33 individuals have signed up for the dinner.  If you plan to
attend, please contact me at 

Information on Convention activities may be seen at

73, de Earl, K6SE