Topband: Source of Vactrol device for K9AY loop
Floyd Sense
Mon, 11 Mar 2002 12:48:13 -0500
I've received several emails about a source for the Vactrol device I
mentioned for the termination resistance in the K9AY loops. I used the
VTL5C4 device ( as shown in all the related websites), which can be
obtained from Allied Electronics (1-800-433-5700), and is listed on page
563 of their 2001 product catalog. If you don't have one of these free
catalogs (1000+ pages), give them a call and ask for one. I've had good
experiences with them and they ship quickly and are quick to correct any
problems. They list a $50 minimum order for international orders, but
there doesn't appear to be a minimum order for USA orders.
Floyd Sense - Angier, NC