Topband: Tuning Tower as a Parasitic Reflector
Tom Cathey
Thu, 14 Mar 2002 19:27:09 -0500
I wonder if anyone has experience, opinions, or performance guesses on =
tuning a free standing, 190' grounded tower as a 160M parasitic =
reflector with a standard 1/4 vertical in front using elevated radials?
Would a gamma match off the tower to ground thru a tuning capacitor work =
to electrically shorten a 190' tower or would some other L/C arrangement =
be required? IE, tune the tower thru the gamma match with a MFJ-259B to =
1.740mc ?
The computer modeling looks interesting, but actually tuning it and =
performance in the real world is another thing.=20
Since the tower is already in the RF field, I was thinking of putting a =
few verticals around the tower in strategic directions to switch with =
the tower as a common reflector.
I prefer not to shunt feed the tower.
73, Tom - K1JJ
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