Topband: Reactance problem

Steve Ireland
Fri, 15 Mar 2002 02:51:15 +0000

At 12:52 PM 13/03/2002 -0500, you wrote:

VK6VZ replied:


My Autek RF-1 suffers in a similar manner from BC-pickup - in this case
from a 100kW BC station some 20km away.

When I put up my Marconi-T with a 66' vertical section, the impedance at
the base measured at the base was waay off from what I expected.  I simply
connected my Amidon multi-tap Unun in circuit, using the tap that most
nearly coincided with what the theoretical impedance should be and, hey
presto, everything looked great and just needed to trim a metre or so off
the antenna to put it on 1830 with a 1:1 SWR.

The MFJ and Autek are great instruments, but 160m does cause them a few

Vy 73,

Steve, VK6VZ

VE3 QAA said:

I think this answer is the only one that makes any sense.  I have the same
>problem using an Autek - the reactance can't be reduced to zero with any
>setting of the series capacitor tuning my shunt fed vertical, even though it
>has plenty of range to do so. The reactance comes down to a minimum, then
>rises again as I vary the vacuum variable. The only explanation that makes
>sense to me is pick-up of BC station(s). I plan to repeat the measurements
>using a good old fashioned GR bridge, bu haven't go around to it yet.  I'm
>betting this will give sensible results.