Topband: Vertical Ant Feedpoint -- Distance from Earth

Bill Gerhold
Mon, 16 Sep 2002 08:27:45 -0400


My 80 meter vertical feedpoint is about 2.5 feet from the actual
ground (dirt).  The radials leave the ground ring downwards to
the dirt at a 45 degree angle.  They are staked at the
point they meet the dirt with plastic garden stakes
and then lay on top of the dirt for a 1/4 wavelength.  A 
total of 52 radials.

The distance from the radial ring to the vertical element is
about 2 inches since this is a low voltage point.  The antenna
is a great performer on 80 and I'm sure it would be on 160 with
the proper matching network.  Something I have yet to do.

Good luck,

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