Topband: Radials around house

Bill Gerhold
Fri, 27 Sep 2002 16:26:03 -0400

Lot's of us have the same problem.  I ran the radials around the
perimeter of my house.  Try not to bend them at 90 degrees as
u approach the house but curve them somewhat gently.  One neat
trick I used for getting around the the house, was to use the
outside back yard water faucet to connect a radial and then used the 
outside front yard water faucet on the other side of the house to continue
with the same radial.  That radial is using the entire house
plumbing as a ground radial.  If your house plumbing is all copper
like mine, it couldn't hurt (I don't think).

Running radials absolutely straight and equally spaced is for
work for purists.  Not many of use have the luxury of a big open
field in which to lay out radial systems.  Believe me you will
not see the difference from perfectly spaced and straight radials
to ones run in random or crooked directions.  Symmetry while nice,
is not always necessary.


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