Fw: Topband: DU9/N0NM Today

George Taft W8UVZ@voyager.net
Sun, 29 Sep 2002 22:15:47 -0400

Hello agn Doug

Just a bit of info re Jon's stn.  He tx on an inv L that has a 40-45'
vertical height.  As you and others mention, we often hear him Q5, with
his KW from his Alpha amp.

But he has a small property lot with enough room for a couple of other
tx antennas and two "pennant" rx antenna which we sent him the mat'l to
build.  I don't have exact layout but I suspect the rx ants are close to
his inv L, and pickup noise from it.

In addition, any operator that has be on from the south China Sea area
will tell you that the noise is horrendous (Ask the Brits who operated
from 9M0S).  Thus, Tom's comment that he has to be very loud for him to
even hear JI.  I called him mni times last season but finally on just
that "right day", he heard me well.  Be patient, pse.

I've already heard him Q5 a couple of times this season so far but he
didn't hear anything of me, either.

We have to be delighted that he is willing to call day after day without
much result.  He knows that we are hearing him but little he can do
about it, until his propagation improves and/or the noise subsides.

73  George  W8UVZ