Topband: Pennants, flags, etc.

Larry Molitor w7iuv at
Sat Apr 5 05:53:56 EST 2003


With a couple hundred hours of A/B testing of Flags, Pennants, Deltas, 
Diamonds, K9AY's, and short Beverages on a 2 acre urban lot, I tell you 
that a Rotatable Flag is the best compromise. You can see what I used on my 
web site at:

A properly constructed 300 foot Beverage will be a slight bit better than 
the Flag, but only in one direction. The deep null off the back of a 
rotatable flag will allow you to null a point noise source or peak on a 
signal from any direction.

Pennants are nearly as good as the flag configuration, with the K9AY about 
a tie for second place. I found that both the pennant and K9AY have more 
interaction with elevated radials and TX antennas that the flag 
configuration. The best setup is multiple switched flags with close spaced 
broadside arrays in the favored directions. Spacing of 250-270 feet will 
provide more local noise rejection, however 315 foot spacing would be 
optimum for a quiet location.

Good luck with what ever you try.

Larry - W7IUV

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