Topband: Visalia International DX convention

k6se at k6se at
Sat Apr 19 14:21:02 EDT 2003

The Topbanders' Dinner at the International DX Convention will be held at
7:00 PM on Friday, May 2, 2003 at the Cask 'n Cleaver restaurant, 3627 S.
Mooney Blvd, in Visalia, California.  There is no fee to attend.  Just
order from the Cask 'n Cleaver menu and pay your individual tabs.  To
ensure adequate seating, please let me know of your intention to attend
(if you haven't already done so) via e-mail to k6se at

The following day, Saturday, May 3rd, A Topbanders' session will be held
in the Laurel and Birch rooms at the Holiday Inn convention hotel from
1:00 to 2:25 PM, immediately following the US Tower barbecue.  Planned
presentations at the Topbanders' session will be by:

1) John, K9DX, about his 9-element 160m antenna array in Indiana.

2) Kenny, K2KW, about the salt water verticals used on 160m during the
DXpedition to 6Y.

3) Mike, N6MZ, about the 160m operations during the XR0X DXpedition.

4) Bernie, W3UR, about the 160m aspects of the AH3D DXpedition.

Looking forward to seeing you all in Visalia!

73, de Earl, K6SE

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