Topband: Murphy Stew...

Todd Enders enders at
Sun Dec 28 13:46:43 EST 2003

     Started off with high hopes of making a decent score in the Stew Perry.
Alas, 'twas not to be.  After working WD5R, Murphy came calling, and the
antenna went west with him.  I suspect I was getting some shorting problems
from wet ice on the loading coil of the HF-2V, or a loose connection
somewhere, because signal levels suddenly went way down, and SWR way up.
It did this intermittantly a couple times before going away to stay.  So,
after one QSO, all I could do was listen. :-(

     Conditions *sounded* good, too. :-(  However, I was *not* about to
wander out back in the dark with ice and blowing snow going on to mess with
the antenna.  Just too nasty out.

     As they say, "wait 'til *next* year"! :-)  I'm *going* to get this
crazy antenna business sorted out, and maybe put up a bigger, better
radiator so I can *get* somewhere... :-)


Todd, AG0T

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