Topband: To Balun or not to Balun that is the question.

Herb Schoenbohm herbs at
Tue Dec 30 22:51:27 EST 2003

I checked my Hy-Gain 204BA manual and their recomended choke turns is 
"12 turns of RG-8 cable 6" (15.2 CM in diameter)". This is what I use on 
the 204BA and correct the amount of turns..

Then Hy-Gain in the next sentance go on to say that "for optimum 
performance use Hy-Gain Balun BN-86 in place of choke." This last 
statement, I feel however, would be a step in the wrong direction.


Herb Schoenbohm. KV4FZ
i4jmy at wrote:

>By the way, depending the diameter of the coil, line lenght, and coil position, I'm afraid those 6 turns are not enough to have a good choke on 20m. 

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