Topband: Skewed Propagation Paths

Thomas Giella KN4LF
Thu, 16 Jan 2003 08:16:28 -0500

 Basically the simplest way to look at medium frequency signal propagation
path skewing is that the transmitted RF signal will "always" seek to
propagate along the path with least absorption, which always means via a
darkness path. As an example a signal transmitted from Norway to New
England, which is a polar great circle path, will be directly absorbed most
of the time by the Aurora Oval, with the remaining medium frequency signal
skirting south and then west on the darkness path, arriving in New England
from say the SE rather then the expected NE path. Also medium frequency
skewed propagation paths are the norm rather then the exception, especially
past approximately 3100 miles.

Thomas Giella, KN4LF
Plant City, FL, USA

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