Topband: 160m contests - what do you want?

Ford Peterson ford at
Mon Jan 27 09:34:50 EST 2003

Ron--PY2FUS wrote:

> What is easier in the US, for example: work five local stations
> or work one OC or SA atation ?

The CW 160M contest is one of my favorites.  I didn't even work it this
year.  Why?  Because from Minnesota, it's just another domestic contest with
a twist.  The twist is that the point structure is already skewed
dramatically in favor of the south and east coast.  Coupled with the lack of
editorial comment for midwest efforts, and you garner exactly zero interest
from this Op.  The answer to your question is very simple.  You could make
DX worth 10,000 QSO points and I would still work the 5 US stations.  You
see, zero DX times whatever is still zero...

I'm sure there are a bunch of right coasters scoffing me even as you read
this..."get a bigger antenna, run more power, get a better radio, LID
operator!"  My response is simple.  The DX signals are not here.  The likes
of W0AIH's, full-sized and dedicated 4 square, beverages all over the map,
big power, and radios (see the January picture on CQ's Calendar or the cover
of CQ), and a walk away with a small handful of DX in the log.

Pondering the notion of eliminating US-to-US contacts for points is not the
answer either.  500 stations chasing a handful of DX would make things
truely impossible for everyone.  The only strategy I've seen discussed on
this reflector that makes any sense is the notion of running split ops.
Even then, accomplishing this in the 60-80Khz of bandwidth available to many
ops seems to lack opportunity as well.

Keep thinking about it.  I believe there is an answer.  But more points for
DX is not the end-all either.

ford at

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