Topband: A/B Testing Limits

Jim Reid jimr.reid at
Tue Jun 24 19:21:29 EDT 2003

> I explained that on your reflector about a week ago, Jim.
> Nice try.

Well,  guess all I can say,  Earl,  is nice try to you.

I have looked at every one of your messages posted in June
to  the Orion Yahoo Group.  You never,  in any of them,  nor on
this reflector, even once commented about the differences in
you postings about your positive comments within your
May 20th posting,  which I quoted,  and your derogatory
comments posted here on the 18th of June,  and which you
have been loudly repeating continually since.

On June 15th,  you had 1 post
June 17th,  1 post
June 20th,  5 posts, (and you kept asking us to have
an open mind to your reports)
June 22nd, 3 posts
June 23rd, 1 post,
and today,  June 24th 3 posts so far.

In not one of these do you explain the differences in
the SAME test which you describe on May 20th,  after
which you wonder about selling one of the other two,
up to then your "best" rigs,  and your June 18th post
in which you rank the Orion as "dead last" in a list of 10

You have offered NO explanation whatsoever,  Earl.

Credibility seems to be on the line now.

73,  Jim  KH7M

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