Topband: Announcing LLDXT DX-pedition to Faroer Islands March/April 2003 (Update)

Rob Snieder pa5et at
Sun Mar 2 19:39:37 EST 2003

Update Sunday 2nd March 2003
We are pleased to announce that Ronald PA3EWP, Dick PA3FQA, Rob PA5ET
all members of the Low Land DX-pedition Team will activate the Faroer
islands (OY) on all HF bands 10-160 meter CW,SSB,RTTY,PSK31 and some
SSTV. Tom GM4FDM and Bill AK0A decided to join the team so team now
exists of 5 operators.
We will have 3x FT1000Mp’s around the clock with 3 Alpha Amplifiers and
will use 2 quads for 10-30 meters, one yagi for 10-15-20m, a vertical
for 40 meters and the Titanex V80e and V160e for 80 and 160 meter. Since
Mr. RTTY (AK0A) is joining you can expect a lot of RTTY including on the
WARC bands.
The callsigns might be local calls which we applied for otherwise we
will use OY/homecall. A local callsign will be used for 80/160 meter and
for the WPX SSB Contest last weekend in March in which we will
participate. As soon the calls are confirmed we will publish them.
All QSL’s will be handled by the LLDXT QSL Manager PA5ET:
Rob Snieder, Van Leeuwenstraat 137, 2273 VS  Voorburg, The Netherlands.
The activity will take place between 24 March and 3 April 2003.
We are currently investigating if we can make use of an Internet Café or
local Hams to upload the load on daily basis. The latest information can
be found soon on the LLDXT web-site
Rob Snieder pa5et at
Cocos Island DX-pedition 2002  <>
PI4COM  <>

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