Topband: LLDXT DX-pedition to Faroe Islands March/April 2003 (Update 19/3)

Rob Snieder pa5et at
Wed Mar 19 22:19:30 EST 2003

Update Wednesday 19th March 2003:
Thanks to a strike at SMYRIL LINE (the ferry line between
Denmark-Shetland Islands-Faroe islands) we have to change our planned OY
activity. We are currently planning to go one week later which means we
will arrive in the early morning of Monday 31 March and stay until 10
April. Unfortunately we will miss the WPX contest. The published calls
will remain the same:
OY7ET operator PA5ET
OY7QA operator PA3FQA
OY7TW operator GM4FDM
OY7WB operator AK0A
OY7WP operator PA3EWP
OY8PA for 160 meters and probably digital modes
On 80 meters we will use individual call signs in contradiction to
earlier announcements.
We will have 3 stations with amps of which one will be dedicated to
digital modes. During the dark periods we will mainly be active on 80
and 160 meters. You can expect lots of digital mode activity on the WARC
bands, so this is your change to fill the OY gaps on all bands and
All QSL's will be handled by the LLDXT QSL Manager PA5ET:
Rob Snieder, Van Leeuwenstraat 137, 2273 VS  Voorburg, The Netherlands.
We hope to upload logs on daily basis using cellular phones. The latest
developments can be found on the LLDXT web-site
Currently we are working on a back-out plan if the strike is still on
next week to go to the Isle of Man.
73 de Rob PA5ET
Rob Snieder pa5et at
Cocos Island DX-pedition 2002  <>
PI4COM  <>

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