Topband: Topbanders' Dinner - Visalia

k6se at k6se at
Tue Mar 25 14:11:24 EST 2003

The Topbanders' Dinner will be Friday, 2 May 2003 at 7:00 PM at the Cask
'n Cleaver Restaurant, 3627 S. Mooney Blvd. in Visalia, California during
the International DX Convention.  Dinner attendees will order from the
Cask 'n Cleaver menu and pay their tabs individually.  There is no fee to
attend.  To ensure adequate seating if you plan to attend, please contact
me at k6se at

There will be no after dinner presentations as there was last year.  That
will take place at the Convention hotel on Saturday from 1:00 to 2:30PM
in one of the Forum rooms.  Planned speakers will be John, K9DX who will
put on a presentation about his 9-element 160-meter array, Kenny, K2KW
who will give a presentation about the salt water verticals they used on
160 during a contest DXpedition to 6Y, and Bernie, W3UR will put on a
show about the 160-meter aspects of the AH3D DXpedition.

Information on Convention activities may be seen at

73, de Earl, K6SE

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