Topband: QRN at VK9XG

Steve Ireland sire at
Wed Nov 5 07:02:52 EST 2003

G'day all

For those who wonder why Charlie VK9XG is sometimes on 20m RTTY when 160/80
sound good at your end, the answer is all too simple - 160/80 at his end is
so full of QRN that 'S' meter is constantly at S9+40dB and the bands sound
like a demolition derby.

Down here in the southern hemisphere it is virtually summer and Charlie is
in the tropical part.  Think operating 160/80 from Florida or the Caribbean
in August if you want to get the picture...

Good luck to everyone - and say a prayer for the battering poor Charlie's
ears get every night - even a "quiet night" in VK9X still means QRN bursts
over S9 on anything below 10MHz.  I say this from (bitter) personal

Vy 73

Steve, VK6VZ (ex-VK9XZ)  


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