November 2003 Archives by subject
Starting: Sat Nov 1 08:55:58 EST 2003
Ending: Sun Nov 30 18:58:06 EST 2003
Messages: 199
- [160m] RE: Topband: BCI Update
Tom Rauch
- Fw: Topband: Ground Radials
Larry Higgins
- Fwd: Re: Topband: Tuning Titanex V80 - HLP!!!
- Topband:
John Kaufmann
- Topband:
Robert McGwier
- Topband: 160 antenna
- Topband: 160 antenna
kb9cry at
- Topband: 160/80 psk
Michael Bazley
- Topband: 5R8FU again QRV on top band
George Taft
- Topband: 5X
Jon Zaimes AA1K
- Topband: 5X1X
k3jt at
- Topband: [TenTec] More to Orion vs Icom 756PRO II
Bill Tippett
- Topband: [TenTec] More to Orion vs Icom 756PRO II
- Topband: [TenTec] Orion vs Icom 756PRO II on top band
Bill Tippett
- Topband: AM station on 1810
Gary Nichols
- Topband: AM station on 1810
Joe Subich, K4IK
- Topband: AM station on 1810
- Topband: Antenna Analyzers
- Topband: Antenna Bridge
n0tt1 at
- Topband: Antenna Bridge
Dave Bowker
- Topband: Antenna Bridge
- Topband: antenna help
larry pace
- Topband: ARRL 160M contest from WY?
Brian Kassel
- Topband: Autek VA1 Users/Owners ??
Mike Rhodes
- Topband: Autek VA1 Users/Owners ??
Bob Tellefsen
- Topband: Autek VA1 Users/Owners ??
Earl W Cunningham
- Topband: Autek VA1 Users/Owners ??
Brad Rehm
- Topband: Back to DU9/N0NM
Jon Rudy-MCC Asia Peace Resource
- Topband: BCI Update
Tom Rauch
- Topband: BCI Update
Charles Hutton
- Topband: BCI Update
Donald Chester
- Topband: Beacon on 1.947
Jim Reid
- Topband: Beacon on 1.947
Bill VanKirk, W0PT
- Topband: Beacon on 1.947
Donald Chester
- Topband: Beacon on 1.947
Jim Reid
- Topband: Beacon on 1.947
David Mueller
- Topband: Beacon on 1.947
- Topband: Beacon on 1.947
David Burger
- Topband: Beverage system improvements
Tom Baugh
- Topband: Boonton Manual 160 Q meter
- Topband: Broken Links- How To Find Archives?
k3ky at
- Topband: Budget Rig Performance
Thomas Giella KN4LF
- Topband: Budget Rig Performance ?.
Floyd Sense
- Topband: Budget Rig Performance ?.
Paul Unwin
- Topband: Budget Rig Performance ?.
Steve Ireland
- Topband: Budget Rig Performance ?.
Donald Chester
- Topband: Budget Rigs
Paul Unwin
- Topband: Calling On 1810 kc +1500 hz PSK31
Thomas Giella KN4LF
- Topband: core inductance and current
Tom Rauch
- Topband: core inductance and current - some measurements.
Tom Rauch
- Topband: core inductance and current - some measurements.
Robert Kavanagh
- Topband: core inductance and current - some measurements.
n0tt1 at
- Topband: Cores and switches
Tod - ID
- Topband: Cores and switches
Richard Karlquist
- Topband: Cores and switches
Tod - ID
- Topband: Could this finish off 160m radiolocation once and for all?
Donald Chester
- Topband: CQWW
Mike Harris
- Topband: Drake repair
Steve Lawrence
- Topband: Drake repair
- Topband: Drake repair summary
Steve Lawrence
- Topband: DXAid
Nick Hall-Patch
- Topband: DXAid
Nick Hall-Patch
- Topband: EY on 160 m
Nodir M. Tursoon-Zadeh
- Topband: EZNEC V3.0 STD Beverage Modelling
Sam Dellit
- Topband: EZNEC V3.0 STD Beverage Modelling
Tom Rauch
- Topband: FT-1000MP Key Click Mod Results
Barry N1EU
- Topband: FT-1000MP Mark V Low Bands Mods?
jlopez at
- Topband: Geomag activity and sunspot cycle
- Topband: Geomag activity and sunspot cycle
Doug Waller
- Topband: Good opening
- Topband: GR Bridge writeup
Larry Higgins
- Topband: Ground Radials
Ken Brown
- Topband: Ground Radials
tttt ccccc
- Topband: Ground Radials
Fred Cresce
- Topband: Ground Radials
Donald Chester
- Topband: Ground Radials
- Topband: Ground Radials
Doug Waller
- Topband: Ground Radials
Ken Brown
- Topband: Ground Radials
n0tt1 at
- Topband: Ground Radials
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: Ground Radials
Roger Parsons
- Topband: Ground Radials
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: Ground Radials
Fred Cresce
- Topband: Ground Radials
Jon Zaimes AA1K
- Topband: Ground Radials
kb9cry at
- Topband: Ground Radials
R. Earle Sanders
- Topband: Ground Radials
Gene Smar
- Topband: Group delay distortion in receiver filters
John Kaufmann
- Topband: Group delay distortion in receiver filters
Joe Tik Mok
- Topband: HC8N 160M
jon jones
- Topband: Inverted L for 160 / 80M
N4KG at
- Topband: Lubrication for an RF whip
Dave Anderson, K4SV
- Topband: measuring transformer core inductance
Steve Flood
- Topband: measuring transformer core inductance
Bob Tellefsen
- Topband: measuring transformer core inductance
Nick Hall-Patch
- Topband: measuring transformer core inductance
Tom Rauch
- Topband: measuring transformer core inductance
Rick Karlquist
- Topband: measuring transformer core inductance
Robert Kavanagh
- Topband: measuring transformer core inductance
Tom Rauch
- Topband: measuring transformer core inductance
Richard Karlquist
- Topband: measuring transformer core inductance
Rick Karlquist
- Topband: measuring transformer core inductance
Robert Kavanagh
- Topband: measuring transformer core inductance
Robert Kavanagh
- Topband: mediocre beverages or K9AY loop?
- Topband: mediocre beverages or K9AY loop?
- Topband: mediocre beverages or K9AY loop?
Bob Tellefsen
- Topband: mediocre beverages or K9AY loop?
kb9cry at
- Topband: MFJ1025 transformer
Steve Flood
- Topband: MT63 MFSK16 PSK31 1807 @ 0300Z
jsb at
- Topband: MT63 MFSK16 PSK31 1807 @ 0300Z
Jason Buchanan
- Topband: MW BC spurious emissions
Ken Brown
- Topband: NDB Harmonics
Steve McDonald
- Topband: New X Class Flare and Radio Blackout
Thomas Giella KN4LF
- Topband: Phased Pennants: Staggered?
Earl W Cunningham
- Topband: Phased Pennants: Staggered?
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Phased Pennants: Staggered?
Peter Hutter
- Topband: Phased Pennants: Staggered?
olinger at
- Topband: Phased Pennants: Staggered?
Earl W Cunningham
- Topband: Phased Pennants: Staggered?
- Topband: Phased Pennants: Staggered?
Doug Waller
- Topband: Phased Pennants: Staggered?
Jeff Maass
- Topband: Portable 160M Antenna Options
- Topband: Portable 160M Antenna Options
- Topband: Portable 160M Antenna Options
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Potting compound for beverage transformers.
George & Marijke Guerin
- Topband: Potting compound for beverage transformers.
Brad Rehm
- Topband: Potting compound for beverage transformers.
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Potting compound for beverage transformers.
R. Kline
- Topband: Potting compound for beverage transformers.
W2pm at
- Topband: Propagation this AM
Dick and Adele Bingham
- Topband: PT5A QRV during the CQWW CW
Ronald Sekkel
- Topband: QRN at VK9XG
Steve Ireland
- Topband: QRN at VK9XG
Robert Marshall-Read
- Topband: QRN at VK9XG and sunrise peak
Tom Rauch
- Topband: QRN at VK9XG and sunrise peak
Milt Jensen
- Topband: Radio Location Beacons, etc. de S9SS
charles Lewis
- Topband: RDF
Pete Smith
- Topband: RDF
Charles Hutton
- Topband: RDF
Bill Tippett
- Topband: RDF
Eric Scace K3NA
- Topband: RDF
Guy Olinger, K2AV
- Topband: RDF
Tom Rauch
- Topband: RDF
Ford Peterson
- Topband: RDF
Earl W Cunningham
- Topband: RDF
Earl W Cunningham
- Topband: RDF
Earl W Cunningham
- Topband: RDF
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Re: Phased Pennants: Staggered? (W3EEE)
Steve Dove
- Topband: RE: [RFI] WWRB
Hare,Ed, W1RFI
- Topband: RE: [RFI] WWRB
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Re: core inductance and current
Hermod Pedersen
- Topband: Re: core inductance and current
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Re: core inductance and current
- Topband: re: RDF
Pete Smith
- Topband: Re: Topband WWRB Spur On 1805 KC
Thomas Giella KN4LF
- Topband: receiving array controllers
Pete Smith
- Topband: receiving array controllers
Ford Peterson
- Topband: Remote coax switching
Larry Higgins
- Topband: Remote coax switching
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Remote coax switching
Rick Karlquist
- Topband: Remote coax switching
Don K5AQ
- Topband: remote coax switching
Larry Higgins
- Topband: remote coax switching
Richard Karlquist
- Topband: Remote coax switching
Roger Parsons
- Topband: Renewed Severe Geomagnetic Storming
Thomas Giella KN4LF
- Topband: Renewed Solar Flaring Expected
Thomas Giella KN4LF
- Topband: returned mail
Gary Nichols
- Topband: SteppIR Yagi's and Topband
Greg - ZL3IX
- Topband: Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge VIII
- Topband: temporary antenna
R. Earle Sanders
- Topband: Ten Tec Jupiter
Thomas Kuehl
- Topband: Titanex V160E picture
john devoldere, ON4UN
- Topband: TitanexV80s and V80
- Topband: TS-870s Remote Control Software
Plasticos Omega
- Topband: Tuning Titanex V80 - HLP!!!
jlopez at
- Topband: Using 1/2" PVC Conduit Vs. the Critters Who Eat Coax
K1ZM at
- Topband: Using 1/2" PVC Conduit Vs. the Critters Who Eat Coax
Donald Chester
- Topband: Using 1/2" PVC Conduit Vs. the Critters Who Eat Coax
Tom Althoff
- Topband: Using 1/2" PVC Conduit Vs. the Critters Who Eat Coax
Ted Demopoulos
- Topband: Using 1/2" PVC Conduit Vs. the Critters Who Eat Coax
- Topband: Using 1/2" PVC Conduit Vs. the Critters Who Eat Coax
Donald Chester
- Topband: Using Silicon Spray on RF connections
Dave Anderson, K4SV
- Topband: Visible Aurora In Central Florida
Thomas Giella KN4LF
- Topband: VK9XG & VK9XD
David Burger
- Topband: VK9XG QRT on 160/80
Steve Ireland
- Topband: VK9XG report 1 Nov 2003
Steve Ireland
- Topband: VK9XG report 6/11
Steve Ireland
- Topband: VK9XG Report Nov 3 & 4
- Topband: VK9XG, 80 and 160
Jon Zaimes AA1K
- Topband: VR2BG QRV
- Topband: Wire for Beverages or radials
Gene Smar
- Topband: Wire for Beverages or radials
- Topband: X40+ ? Super Solar Flare
Thomas Giella KN4LF
- Topband: ZA/WA6CDR to be QRV on 160M
K1ZM at
- Topband: ZA/WA6CDR to be QRV on 160M
Eric Scace K3NA
- Topband: ZC4CW
Michael Bazley
- Topband: ZK1 Project
John Meyer
Last message date:
Sun Nov 30 18:58:06 EST 2003
Archived on: Mon Dec 1 07:15:25 EST 2003
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).