Topband: Propagation this AM

Dick and Adele Bingham binghamstehekin at
Sat Nov 29 10:41:02 EST 2003

Greetings everyone

Good opening into Japan this AM at my sunrise. I heard the following JA's calling CQ furiously:

JA3YBK, JE1ZWT and JA8NFV all Q-5. Like myself, several other W7's called and the JA's never 
replied while I was listening.

I tried modeling the phased sloping Delta-Loop array used by VK6VZ and the pattern did not appear 
as described by Steve. Has anyone else modeled his array and observed simulated response similar
to a vertical with lots of gain 30-degrees and higher?

73 Snowy and electrically quiet Stehekin, WA

Dick - w7wkr CN98pi

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