Topband: Autek VA1 Users/Owners ??

Brad Rehm brehm at
Wed Nov 19 09:44:39 EST 2003

"Just  wondering how you like the VA1 and if you have compared it to
else? Read the mixed reviews on e-ham and get the impression that it
is a
very nice unit - when it works - which may not be too long, that the
constructon and quality control is somewhat shakey, and that the
may not be worth the paper it is written on."


I've had a VA1 for nearly ten years.  It's been dropped, left out in
the rain, subjected to strong RF fields, and probably abused in some
ways I can't remember.  After all this, it remains accurate and,
because of its size, very handy for tower work.

Sometimes,  the display becomes dim and erratic.  When this happens, I
open the unit and use an alcohol wipe to clean the pins that connect
the upper and lower PWBs.  A very thin coating of Vaseline helps keep
the oxidation down.

My only complaint: I wish they'd used gold-plated pins.  But you can't
have everything in a device that costs so little and survives so long.
Calibration has remained in-spec through it all, too.

Brad, KV5V

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