MR. MAGOO magoo at
Thu Nov 27 12:55:10 EST 2003

Several posts have inquired about wire to use for Beverage antennas, and
electric fence wire is a very popular and cost-effective choice.  My
favourite is the "Galvalum" type...a galvanized inner core coated with
aluminum.  It is light yet strong, inexpensive and it works as well as
copper.  But you can't solder to it!
I have used Servit connectors if a connection must be made or if the wire
must be spliced.  After tightening the screw I apply a liberal coating of
lithium grease to keep the connection from corroding, which will occur
eventually where the screw presses into the wire.

Several of my Beverages made this way have been up for several years with no
apparent problems.

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