Topband: PT5A QRV during the CQWW CW

Ronald Sekkel py2fus at
Mon Nov 24 15:04:33 EST 2003

Hello Gentlemen !

I'm pleased to inform PT5A (former ZX5J) will be QRV during the CQWW CW 
contest this weekend, on all bands, as a multi-multi station.

I'll be one of the TopBand operators, and I plan to be QRV on Thursday and 
Friday night before the contest as PY2FUS/PP5.

The PT5A setup this year include beverages beaming NA, EU and OC. For those 
interested in seeing some pictures, please take a look at the ZX5J link at

73's and DX


Ronald J. Sekkel - PY2FUS
py2fus at
Grid locator: GG66pt

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