Topband: Titanex

Ragnar Otterstad otterstad at
Mon Oct 13 18:25:04 EDT 2003

I am considering the purchase of a Titanex V-160E for an upcoming
DXpedition.  I have done some reading already, and would now like
to see what experiences folks have had.

1: Is there a problem hauling the antenna as excess airline
baggage with the 6+ ft length?

I have never taken it on an airline, but you may check with G3WGV, who I
believe took it to VK9 some years back.

2: Is there any advantage in using their V-160AS tuner? (TX power
will be 1.5KW class)

Compared to what ?.  I used first the	Amteritron 1.5 kw tuner
The problem was that I had to walk out in the field to change bands.

The beauty of the TITANEX box is remote band switching 160-80-40 meter

3: I recall hearing about an extended length version - 112 or 118
ft? I don't see it on their site or WX0B

Never heard of anything but 26 meters height.

4: Has anyone successfully installed one on a building roof?
Like a hotel?

I dont think so.  I guess it is a practical problem primarly.
Most DXpeditions put it on or near the beach, close to salt water.

5: Is it as flexible as it seems, or is there significant risk of
bending or damaging the antenna during installation?

It is an amazing sight when you raise it. It bends like a crossbow and you
think :
It will break any moment.A few seconds later when you get it more vertical
it just goes back to normal.
I was VERY impressed by the flxeibility and strength of the Titan-Aluminium

The factory supplied it with 3 sets of guys. I found I needed 4 to keep it
up during the winter storms.
If you go to a windy place - use 4 !!!!!!

6: Has anyone used their SES-160 receiving array?


7: I presume the general rule of more radials are better applies.
Has anyone operated one with tuned radials or elevated radials?

NO. I just used random lengths - as close to 1/4 wave as possible.

8: Any observed interaction with a V-80 in proximity?

Depends on distance of course. I dont know what would be a critical distance
but as they are for different bands it should be minimum.

My reason for selecting the V160 E was that I had to remove the antenna
every spring
when the farmer who owns the land started his ploving !! I later got e spot
for a permanent installation
and use the V160 HD. I have seen in bending over in stormy weather and just
goes back to a straight
vertical again afterwards.

I would recommend it to anybody.

Photos can be found on my photowebsite   WWW://

For V16oE look under RADIO.  For V 160HD look at ANTENNAS.

Mind you, the product documentation from Titanex so far has been less than
what you would expect.
That is their week point  as far as I am concerned. Jay perhaps does
something in USA in additon to what
the factory supplies.


" RAG "     Ragnar Otterstad   LA5HE JW5HE OZ8RO

located in Telemark - Home of skiing.

Take a look at :     for more details.

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