Topband: Assistance Needed
n1sv at
n1sv at
Fri Oct 24 13:19:20 EDT 2003
I may be a little biased because of what I'm using but I would suggest an inverted-L its a good basic antenna. The combination of vertical and horizontal components make it versatile for both DX and stateside. Depending on the height of your trees you may find that you may be unable to get a dipole up high enough for the takeoff angle to be effective for Europe. IMHO The loop sounds like to much work for a short term antenna.
I put up my first Inverted-L last year and I worked 87 countries. This years version uses a vacuum variable capacitor at the feedpoint and seems to play well so far though its only been up about three weeks. If your interested in any further details feel free to drop me a note. I would be glad to relate my experiences.
By the way don't overlook the importance of a good recieving antenna for 160m, you can't work them if you can't hear them!
Les, N1SV
PS. Good luck to all CQWW participants this weekend and please listen for my 100w signal on topband!
> My goal is to work DX on 160 meters, that is, having the capability to work
> at least to the westcoast from Pennsylvania and Europe when the band is
> open. I am asking the lists opinion on on my three options:
> 1. Full-Wave vertical loop - what should be the configuration?
> 2. 1/2 wave dipole
> 3. Inverted L
> If there is not a great deal of difference, I may just put up a dipole and
> wait until next year when I get the 100 foot tower erected and use it as a
> vertical on topband.
> Incidentally, I am using high trees for supports.
> Are there other wire antenna choices?
> Short answer would be appreciated.
> Thank you for your time and expertise.
> Dave, W3ST
> Secretary to the Collins Radio Association
> Publisher of the Collins Journal
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