Fw: Topband: ARRL-160 viewed frm EU

Ilmo Anttila ilmo.anttila at qualisys.fi
Sun Dec 5 15:37:51 EST 2004

 HI All

I did concentrate only to sunrise hours  on both mornings. That means low
noise level in here and night time in NA. Made 11Qs and also11 sections.
 Propagation was good. This was the first time this year I did hear so many
 stations from NA. In CQ contest heard no-one.
My experience of hearing in NA was mixed. There was many good signals who
 did not hear me at all and then some who did come back to first call. Tried
once a CQ but no answer.
Looks like receiving conditions in general vary very much between stations 
in NA.


Ilmo, OH2BO

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