Fw: Topband: ARRL-160 viewed frm EU

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Sun Dec 5 16:39:08 EST 2004

On Sun, 5 Dec 2004 22:37:51 +0200, Ilmo Anttila wrote:

>Looks like receiving conditions in general vary very much between stations 
>in NA.

Yes. There was a lot of QRM (lots of stations in the contest), many of us have lots 
of noise (same problem that some of the DXpeditions are having now), and no 
land to construct receive antennas (Beverage). 

Much of our noise is from electronic equipment in nearby homes. Our FCC is 
extremely lax about this -- the regulations are weak and the enforcement is worse. 
You are lucky in Europe to have the EMC directive in force. My Volvo is much 
quieter than most US-made cars. 

Jim Brown  K9YC

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