Topband: The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge IX
Lew at
Sun Dec 5 18:14:31 EST 2004
Well, The ARRL 160M CW Test has been run with conditions being
described as so-so to maybe OK. The fun factor was generally good with a
lot of 160M RF being flung all about the globe. It is now time to write
down those possible improvements to your 160M system and get to work
making them happen because The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge will
happen Dec. 18 and 19. Even if that means shunt feeding that '64 Ford
that's been rusting in the backyard. You just never know what will help
out your 160M system.
This contest is unlike others: The QSO points depend on the
distance between the two stations, final score utilizes factors relating
to the power you're running and also the power of the station you
worked, stations compete from all around the world, this as a CW only
contest, grid squares are used as part of the exchange and the
participants determine what honors are important by sponsoring certain
categories memorialized by plaques.<>
The above web page will answer your questions in more detail and
will give you sense of what this grand TopBand contest is all about.
The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge is unique in that the prizes
or plaques are determined by the radio combatants themselves. Almost any
category, set of working conditions, QTH or other requirement may be
used to set forth a plaque to stimulate or commemorate the action during
the contest. The Executive Contest Committee of The Boring Amateur Radio
Club reserves the right to ensure that most of the categories sponsored
are of at least marginal value to somebody, somewhere in the 160M
universe. A simple check of $50 to the Club at my CBA will insure your
sponsorship, engraved forever on the awarded plaque, of whatever
category you'd like to see emphasized.
Several 160M Stalwarts have already jumped into the fray and have
sponsored the following categories. Why don't you conjure up an
appropriate category and join these far seeing and far reaching Ops?
Donor Category
KL7RA Top QSO Total
WA2DFI Top Score Single Op VE
W7EW Best DX distance
K7RAT Top Score Multi-Op World
N5IA Most Grid Squares Worked
Horned Toad Wireless (N7KQ) Top Score-Low power, Rest of World
N9ADG Top Score West Washington- Low Power
K1PX Top Score EU- Low Power
K5KA Top Score US/VE Low Power
K8ND Top Score S/O Caribbean
W7GG Top Score S/O QRP
KB5NJD Top Score-Ant < 40' or 13m tall
KI7Y W7BX Memorial- Top Score JA
VK6VZ The VK5AX Small Backyard Memorial- Top Score
wid antenna in space < 20m x 10m or 66ft x 33ft. Winner
gets coveted Royal Flying Doctors Service of Australia hat
If you're lucky enough to have room for a Beverage antenna or 4
then remember to listen for the DX, because the DX will be there
looking, listening and calling for you. Even without Beverages, S & P
along the band and CQ carefully as the DX will be there. The further
away the contact is that you made, the more the contact is worth. In
this contest, you too are the DX! The power that you use and the power
that the station you contact also figures into the points that you make.
The Boring Amateur Radio Club is making this a laboratory for fair
contesting. Comments, after this year's contest is run, will be welcomed
as to your impression of this contest.
If you see a glaring omission in the categories sponsored so far
and you care, then send me an e-mail at: leww at
to sponsor that missing category. Further notes with regard to the
Stalwarts who support this contest will be forthcoming.
Dec 18 and 19 is right around the corner.
73 and I remain,
Plaquemeister-Boring Amateur Radio Club
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