Topband: past-contest cndx

Dr .Wolf Ostwald df2py at
Mon Feb 23 09:22:00 EST 2004

hi reflectees !
Cndx around the ARRL test were good on topband.
But today the Caribean was stompin`in. YV1DIG was way over S9 in EU. Jeff - PJ4/KU8E - broke in with a solid S9 after that and TO5D not much less.Too bad that J6 and 8R made no appearance- guess they needed some shuteye after the contest.
Allover activity from the US was kinda low, understandably, but a few western diehards like N7JW,W6RJ,N6CT and WB6RSE took advantage of the cndx.EU noise was about 6 to 8 db worse than usual and i believe the noise was propagated as well as the signals, bcuz N7JW was complaining about QRN as well.
Bottom line is : these days the last 20 min b4 sunrise yield the farthest shots, which is not true all the time.
good DXing everyone    de wolf  -df2py-

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