Topband: Questionable cluster use

Dr .Wolf Ostwald df2py at
Wed Feb 25 19:20:00 EST 2004

hello reflectees !
after i got "backed up" by other DXers on 160,and dicussed the matter thoroughly, i decided on writing this mail for the fraternity of "topbanders".
This morning we became witness of some dx-spottings and announcements that stirred up a bad flavour.
Since the introduction of DX-clusters we had discussions of "whether to spot or not", but this issue has reached a state of independence by now. Another thing is the attempt of a few hams to substitute the essentials of the "art of DX-ing" by the use of an internet-cluster. The correction of misread calls, completion of QSOs and trying to make the DX to QSY to a desired spot via the announce-mode is nothing short of showing the incompetence of the operator. The QSOs obtained this way are even questionable in their countability for DXCC ! I suppose we should stop this at the beginning and live on topband with a certain "code of conduct". Lets not trade in our skills on the radio for the mere ability to use a keyboard on a computer.
enuff said   de wolf  df2py

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