Topband: Transceiver Key Clicks

Earl W Cunningham k6se at
Mon Jan 5 19:02:53 EST 2004

Thomas, AC7A wrote:

"Does anyone have first hand knowledge of the K2/100 keying
characteristics and whether it has a click problem?"
The stock K2 and K2/100 has key clicks about +/-1500 Hz from the signal. 
Elecraft is aware of this problem and they have devised a click mod for
which I am a field tester.  The mod has reduced the clicks to less than
+/-200 Hz.  The mod is to be released to Elecrafters soon.

"I am also interested in the Ten-Tec Omni VI+ keying and whether it has a
click issue, or not?"
It is my understanding that when Ten-Tec upgraded the VI to the VI+ they
made a change in the transmit AGC loop that made the VI+ a bad click
generator.  KH6DX/M and N7JW have both performed mods on their VI+s which
apparently has fixed the problem on their rigs.

73, de Earl, K6SE

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