January 2004 Archives by subject
Starting: Thu Jan 1 00:10:02 EST 2004
Ending: Sat Jan 31 23:27:24 EST 2004
Messages: 321
- : Topband: Notes on early QSO's
Ragnar Otterstad
- Thanks - RE:Topband: One-Stop-Shopping for Small Parts ?
Mike Rhodes
- Topband:
AstroAlert: Earthward-directed Coronal Mass Ejection prompts
Aurora Watch
Cary Oler
- Topband:
RE: Choosing between a Receiver Noise Bridge and an Antenna Bridge
George Stewart (VK5ALS)
- Topband: 160 Nostalgia
wb6tza at socal.rr.com
- Topband: 160 m fun
Rolf T Salme
- Topband: 160 meter fun
Craig Clark
- Topband: 160 meter meteo baloon antenna
George Vlahopoulos
- Topband: 160 Meters and ARRL
Tom Rauch
- Topband: 160 Meters and ARRL
Joe Craig
- Topband: 160 Meters and ARRL
W2pm at aol.com
- Topband: 160 Meters and ARRL
Tod - ID
- Topband: 160 Meters and ARRL
Tod - ID
- Topband: 160 Meters and ARRL
Donald Chester
- Topband: 160 Meters and Loran
Ed Lesnichy
- Topband: 160 nostalgia
Johann Bruinier
- Topband: 160 Pioneer W5SUS
W5USM at aol.com
- Topband: 160 Pioneer W5SUS
Tom Rauch
- Topband: 160 Pioneer W5SUS
David Knepper
- Topband: 160 Remembered (forwarded by K4CIA)
William G. McDowell
- Topband: 160 this weekend
Gary Nichols
- Topband: 160m / portable
christian schneider
- Topband: 160m DX audio
- Topband: 160m int L
Gregg Seidl
- Topband: 160m int L
- Topband: 160m int L
Sinisa Hristov
- Topband: 160m int L
George & Marijke Guerin
- Topband: 160m int L
i4jmy at iol.it
- Topband: 160m int L
i4jmy at iol.it
- Topband: 160m int L
i4jmy at iol.it
- Topband: 160m int L
- Topband: 160M- down memory lane Then and now de W0AH
w0ah at a-1st.net
- Topband: 1996 NCJ Article
Larry Emery
- Topband: 2 Wire Beverage Feedpoint Matching
Harry Williams
- Topband: 2 Wire Beverage Feedpoint Matching
i4jmy at iol.it
- Topband: 4u1itu on 16o
om3cgn at nextra.sk
- Topband: Advice Needed on RX Antennas for a City Lot
Eric Rosenberg
- Topband: AK in 160M CW
- Topband: AK in 160M CW
Steve Lawrence
- Topband: AK in 160M CW
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Aluminum Pipe
Ed Smith
- Topband: antenna bridge
Jim Jarvis
- Topband: Antenna coupling
Zenvrim at aol.com
- Topband: Antennas detuning ?
Plasticos Omega
- Topband: Antennas detuning ?
- Topband: Antennas detuning ?
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: Apparent Multiple Resonances on a single antenna
- Topband: Apparent Multiple Resonances on a single antenna
Sinisa Hristov
- Topband: Apparent Multiple Resonances on a single antenna
Bill Turner
- Topband: Apparent Multiple Resonances on a single antenna
i4jmy at iol.it
- Topband: Bad Top Band Frequencies in Europe
Tim Duffy K3LR
- Topband: Bad Top Band Frequencies in Europe
M. van Wijk
- Topband: Bad topband frequencies in Europe, JA and USA
Tim Duffy K3LR
- Topband: Balun Discussions
Sinisa Hristov
- Topband: Balun Discussions
Sinisa Hristov
- Topband: Balun Discussions
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Balun Discussions
Sinisa Hristov
- Topband: Balun Discussions
i4jmy at iol.it
- Topband: Balun Discussions
i4jmy at iol.it
- Topband: Balun Discussions
Marijan Miletic, S56A
- Topband: Balun Discussions
Brad Rehm
- Topband: Battle Creek Special
Kevin Nathan
- Topband: Battle Creek Special
George & Marijke Guerin
- Topband: BC band filter
Pete Smith
- Topband: BC band filter
Pete Smith
- Topband: BCB filters
Pete Smith
- Topband: BCI again
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Beacon
Joe Wilkowski
- Topband: Beverage above water
Dr .Wolf Ostwald
- Topband: Beverage antenna (electric fence)
- Topband: Beverage Noise pickup
Clive GM3POI
- Topband: Beverage Noise pickup
K8LV1 at aol.com
- Topband: Beverage Noise pickup
Greg Chartrand
- Topband: Beverage Noise pickup
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Beverage Noise pickup
- Topband: Beverage Noise pickup
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: Beverages over Radials
Charles Hutton
- Topband: Beverages over Radials
Jon Zaimes AA1K
- Topband: Beverages over Radials
Earl W Cunningham
- Topband: Beverages over Radials
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: Beverages over Radials
Clive GM3POI
- Topband: Beverages over Radials
Pete Smith
- Topband: Beverages over Radials
Richard Karlquist
- Topband: Beverages over Radials
Clive GM3POI
- Topband: BPL Article in Computerworld
Fred Jensen
- Topband: C6A (Bahamas) DXPedition for 2-2004 ARRL CW DX Intl. Test
Brian Kassel
- Topband: Calculating Saturation of Ferrite Cores
K8LV1 at aol.com
- Topband: Choosing between a Receiver Noise Bridge and an
Bob Tellefsen
- Topband: Choosing between a Receiver Noise Bridge and an Antenna
George Stewart (VK5ALS)
- Topband: Col-atch-co 160/80 meter antenna
Dave Anderson, K4SV
- Topband: Col-atch-co 160/80 meter antenna
Sinisa Hristov
- Topband: Col-atch-co 160/80 meter antenna
i4jmy at iol.it
- Topband: Comments on the Orion in the CQ160 contest
John Kaufmann
- Topband: Connectors for top band use
by way of Bill Tippett <btippett at alum.mit.edu>
- Topband: Copy of 1996 NCJ Article on 160 meters
Larry Emery
- Topband: correct 160m contest log address
Jon Zaimes AA1K
- Topband: correct 160m contest log address
Brian Campbell
- Topband: CQ 160 Announcement
David L. Thompson
- Topband: CQ 160M Contest, etc.
charles Lewis
- Topband: CQ WW 160 CW
- Topband: CQ WW 160m
sasapokorni at net.hr
- Topband: CT logging program
Gary Nichols
- Topband: Current and saturation in 73 cores
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Current in loading coils
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Daily MF Radio Propagation Outlooks
Thomas Giella KN4LF
- Topband: DC Motor for turning Capacitor?
Bob Tellefsen
- Topband: DC Motor for turning Capacitor?
Pat Chiles
- Topband: DC Motor for turning Capacitor?
Floyd Sense
- Topband: DC Motor for turning Capacitor?
- Topband: DC Motor for turning Capacitor?
Larry Higgins
- Topband: Did anyone hear/work AK
Kathy and Gary Pearse
- Topband: Did anyone hear/work AK
Ford Peterson
- Topband: Did anyone hear/work AK
Brian Mattson
- Topband: Did anyone hear/work AK
n0tt1 at juno.com
- Topband: Did anyone hear/work AK
k3ky at erols.com
- Topband: Did anyone hear/work AK
n0tt1 at juno.com
- Topband: digi dx
David Michael Gaytko // WD4KPD
- Topband: DU9/N0NM on top band regular again
Jon Rudy-MCC Asia Peace Resource
- Topband: DX Last Evening (0630 to 0730 UTC 26 Jan 04)
Dick and Adele Bingham
- Topband: DX window
Tom Rauch
- Topband: DX window
Keith Jillings
- Topband: dx window and HNY TO ALL
Randy Oates
- Topband: dx window and HNY TO ALL
Earl W Cunningham
- Topband: DX windows from a DX perspective
Steve Ireland
- Topband: Early 160 at WA4DUS/N4DJ
Don N4DJ
- Topband: Early 160 meters
Harold Smith
- Topband: Early JA's at PY2FUS
Ronald Sekkel
- Topband: Early JA's at PY2FUS
Earl W Cunningham
- Topband: Early JA's at W4DR
Joe Subich, K4IK
- Topband: Early JA's at W4DR
w4dr at mindspring.com
- Topband: Egypt - SU9AM
Jim Sorenson
- Topband: Error message from CQWW 160 Robot
Brian Campbell
- Topband: First JA QSO's
K1ZM at aol.com
- Topband: First JA QSO's
Stephen Reichlyn
- Topband: FO/A in Europe
Earl W Cunningham
- Topband: FO/A in Europe
Dr .Wolf Ostwald
- Topband: Fw: J6DX / 160M
Doug Waller
- Topband: Fwd: 4S7 operation on 160m
Bill Tippett
- Topband: Great opening to JA today
Jon Zaimes AA1K
- Topband: ic-756Pro vs. 756ProII in low band
Plasticos Omega
- Topband: Interesting conditions this AM
Larry Emery
- Topband: Interesting conditions this AM
Larry Emery
- Topband: Interference questions dog broadband over power
lines - more anti-ham radio propaganda
Kim Herron
- Topband: Interference questions dog broadband over power lines
-more anti-ham radio propaganda
Milt Jensen
- Topband: Interference questions dog broadband over power lines -
more anti-ham radio propaganda
k3ky at erols.com
- Topband: Interference questions dog broadband over power lines -
more anti-ham radio propaganda
k3ky at erols.com
- Topband: Interference questions dog broadband over power lines - more
anti-ham radio propaganda
jsb at digistar.com
- Topband: Inverted L
Gregg Seidl
- Topband: Inverted-L
Chuck Sudds
- Topband: Inverted-L Summary
Chuck Sudds
- Topband: Inverted-L Summary
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Inverted-L Summary
i4jmy at iol.it
- Topband: JA Openings
TNeill1648 at aol.com
- Topband: JA to K1UO
Tom Rauch
- Topband: JA window
Michael Bazley
- Topband: JA window
Takeshi Yoshida
- Topband: JA's and other firsts on 160
Greg Chartrand
- Topband: JA's and other firsts on 160
Lee Ward
- Topband: K4ZS and Drake
Jim W7RY
- Topband: k9ay loop gnd?
Jim Jarvis
- Topband: k9ay loops
Jim Jarvis
- Topband: k9ay loops
Hermod Pedersen
- Topband: Key Clicks
Robert McGwier
- Topband: Key Clicks
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Key Clicks
Jim McDonald
- Topband: Key Clicks
Barry N1EU
- Topband: Key Clicks
Marijan Miletic, S56A
- Topband: Key Clicks Observation From Weekend
Bill Fisher, W4AN
- Topband: Key Clicks Observation From Weekend
Michael Tope
- Topband: Key Clicks Observation From Weekend
Michael Tope
- Topband: Key Clicks Observation From Weekend
Ken Brown
- Topband: Key Clicks Observation From Weekend
- Topband: Key Clicks Observation From Weekend
Ron Spencer
- Topband: Key Clicks on Top Band
Dave Anderson, K4SV
- Topband: Key Clicks on Top Band
Barry N1EU
- Topband: Key Clicks on Top Band
Mark Beckwith
- Topband: Key Clicks on Top Band
Tom Rauch
- Topband: keyclick mod 1000mp - echo on audio
Mark Demeuleneere
- Topband: Keying from CT logging program
Gary Nichols
- Topband: Keying from CT logging program
James Wolf
- Topband: Keying waveform
Mark Beckwith
- Topband: Keying waveform
Richard Karlquist
- Topband: Keying waveform
Paul Christensen
- Topband: Keying waveform
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Keying waveform
Paul Christensen
- Topband: Keying waveform
- Topband: Keying waveform
- Topband: keying waveform-ARRL savy
Bill Aycock
- Topband: keying waveform-ARRL savy
Barry N1EU
- Topband: keying waveform-ARRL savy
Sinisa Hristov
- Topband: keying waveform-MY savy
Bill Aycock
- Topband: Last Call for bad topband frequencies in Europe
Tim Duffy K3LR
- Topband: Last Call for bad topband frequencies in Europe
Vladimir Gumennikov
- Topband: Last Call for bad topband frequencies in Europe
Takeshi Yoshida
- Topband: Logbook of the World
Ford Peterson
- Topband: Logbook of the World Poll Results
Ford Peterson
- Topband: Long Path
R March
- Topband: Low Bands Rx aerial
SteamBoilers at aol.com
- Topband: Low Bands Rx aerial
Bob Tellefsen
- Topband: MFJ-1026 noise canceller
Larry Higgins
- Topband: More early JA topband QSOs
JAMESAMS88 at aol.com
- Topband: My new 160 meter antenna
Tom Berry
- Topband: NA from 9V
Robert Marshall-Read
- Topband: Need RI
n6wg at comcast.net
- Topband: Need to hear from G and DL
Tim Duffy K3LR
- Topband: No Amidon FT140-43 Here
lance at diac.com
- Topband: Noise-attentuating RX antenna
Gene Smar
- Topband: Notes on early QSO's
David Knepper
- Topband: Notes on early QSO's
W3GCG at aol.com
- Topband: Notes on early QSO's
Logan Dietz
- Topband: Notes on early JA to East Coast QSO's
John Kaufmann
- Topband: Notes on early JA to East Coast QSO's
- Topband: Notes on early JA to East Coast QSO's
W2pm at aol.com
- Topband: Notes on early JA to East Coast QSO's
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Notes on early JA to East Coast QSO's
Steve Lawrence
- Topband: Notes on early JA to East Coast QSO's
John Kaufmann
- Topband: Notes on early JA to East Coast QSO's
Jon Zaimes AA1K
- Topband: Notes on early JA to East Coast QSO's
Earl W Cunningham
- Topband: Notes on early JA to East Coast QSO's
Bernie McClenny, W3UR
- Topband: Notes on early JA to East Coast QSO's
- Topband: Notes on early JA to East Coast QSO's
Ron Spencer
- Topband: Notes on early JA to East Coast QSO's
Earl W Cunningham
- Topband: Notes on early JA to East Coast QSO's
Bob Garrett
- Topband: Notes on early JA to East Coast QSO's
W8LRL at aol.com
- Topband: Notes on early JA to East Coast QSO's
W2pm at aol.com
- Topband: one inv l for 160/80
- Topband: One-Stop-Shopping for Small Parts ?
Mike Rhodes
- Topband: Orion rise and fall settings
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Pennant Transformer
Kyle Chavis
- Topband: Pennant Transformer
Jon Zaimes AA1K
- Topband: Pennant Transformer
Earl W Cunningham
- Topband: Pennant Transformer
Doug Waller
- Topband: Pennant Transformer
Kyle Chavis
- Topband: Pennant Transformer
Ted Demopoulos
- Topband: Pennant Transformer - Correction!
Earl W Cunningham
- Topband: Plate chokes (Balun thread)
Greg - ZL3IX
- Topband: Plate chokes (Balun thread)
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: Pre-Amp for Receiving Antenna?
jlopez at plasticosomega.com
- Topband: PSK from VK info
Jayne Lindgren
- Topband: QSL GJ3YHU
- Topband: Quater Wave Sloper System
Ron Tremayne VK3IO
- Topband: Question from a new reflectee
Earl W Cunningham
- Topband: Question from a new reflectee
Mein, Doug
- Topband: Radio 91 on 1820
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Radio 910
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Razor Blade Detector
Fred Jensen
- Topband: re slooper array
marijan kucelin
- Topband: re sloper array
- Topband: re topband notes on early JA to east coast qso's
linda doyle
- Topband: Re: 160 Nostalgia (W9UCW)
W9UCW at aol.com
- Topband: Re: 1939 QSO
Walter Wessel
- Topband: Re: CQ 160
David L. Thompson
- Topband: Re: DC motor for turning remote cap
Roy Koeppe
- Topband: Re: Re: 160 Nostalgia
Lawrence Stoskopf
- Topband: Re: Top Band DXing Long Ago
Dave Kennedy
- Topband: Re: Top Band DXing Long Ago
Bob Eldridge
- Topband: Re: Top Band DXing Long Ago (W9UCW)
W9UCW at aol.com
- Topband: Re: W7LR Topband dx
Luis Mansutti IV3PRK
- Topband: Re:Notes on early JA to East Coast QSO's (W9UCW)
W9UCW at aol.com
- Topband: Real Time DSP Software
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: reliable contact among mast sections
Logan Dietz
- Topband: reliable contact among mast sections
Johannes Wilke
- Topband: reliable contact among mast sections
Donald Chester
- Topband: Reminiscent of times of 160
Dennis Peterson
- Topband: Reminiscing
Henry G. Elwell, Jr.
- Topband: Reward Yaesu?
Bill Tippett
- Topband: Reward Yaesu?
W2pm at aol.com
- Topband: Rx antenna suggestions ?
Plasticos Omega
- Topband: S21YY QRV
Jon Zaimes AA1K
- Topband: sloper array
- Topband: sloper array
Ryszard Tymkiewicz
- Topband: Sm4can on Christmas day
Ray Nadeau
- Topband: Stacked 80/160 SLOOPs ?
Mike Rhodes
- Topband: Stew Perry Date for 2004
- Topband: Strange conditions in the Stew
Steve Ireland
- Topband: strange condx last night
Gary Nichols
- Topband: strange condx last night
Barry N1EU
- Topband: strange condx last night
Milt Jensen, N5IA
- Topband: Sunrise Angles
K3SV, Bill Gillenwater
- Topband: SWL report
Ragnar Otterstad
- Topband: Thanks (Inverted-L)
Chuck Sudds
- Topband: The answer is $$$$
Jim Jarvis
- Topband: The answer is $$$$
W2pm at aol.com
- Topband: The answer is $$$$
Robert McGwier
- Topband: The Beginnings of Ham radio
Chris Zeal
- Topband: Thunderstorms In KH6
Ken Brown
- Topband: Top Band DXing Long Ago
- Topband: Top Band DXing Long Ago
k3ky at erols.com
- Topband: Top Band DXing Long Ago
W2pm at aol.com
- Topband: TopBand roots treasure
Ronald Sekkel
- Topband: Topband Worldwide Freq Allocation
Barry N1EU
- Topband: Transceiver Key Clicks
Earl W Cunningham
- Topband: Transceiver Key Clicks
Barry N1EU
- Topband: Transceiver Key Clicks
Thomas Kuehl
- Topband: Transceiver Key Clicks
Paul Christensen, Esq.
- Topband: Transceiver Key Clicks
Guy Olinger, K2AV
- Topband: Transceiver Key Clicks
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Transceiver Key Clicks
Paul Christensen, Esq.
- Topband: Transceiver Key Clicks
Greg - ZL3IX
- Topband: Transceiver Key Clicks - Thanks for inputs!
Jim Reid
- Topband: Transceiver Key Clicks - Thanks for inputs!
Thomas Kuehl
- Topband: tremors
- Topband: Using DSP Software
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: Venezuela heard on 160
Tom Norris
- Topband: VS6DO
Don K5AQ
- Topband: VS6DO
Bill Tippett
- Topband: VS6DO
John Kaufmann
- Topband: VS6DO
linda doyle
- Topband: VS6DO
Tom Rauch
- Topband: VS6DO
Ragnar Otterstad
- Topband: VS6DO
Bob Eldridge
- Topband: VS6DO
- Topband: VS6DO and the like
Dennis Peterson
- Topband: W1BB
Michael Bazley
- Topband: Waveshape Filters
Tom Rauch
- Topband: weekend conditions from the far left coast
larry pace
- Topband: WW 160
Nodir Tursoon-Zadeh
- Topband: Yesterday's amazing JA opening
John Kaufmann
- Topband: Yesterday's amazing JA opening
Steve Lawrence
- Topband: YJ0AMY Logs
Steve Lawrence
- Topband: zoo
W7lr at aol.com
Last message date:
Sat Jan 31 23:27:24 EST 2004
Archived on: Sun Feb 1 05:57:44 EST 2004
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).