Topband: CQ WW 160m

sasapokorni at sasapokorni at
Mon Jan 26 21:34:36 EST 2004

Hello to all TOPBANDers !

Just like to know if there is anybody who 
can recall what was 9A5Y signal comparing 
to others SOUTH-EAST europians ????

Would like also to know if there was a stations 
they were calling us withuot succes ??? 

There is a new antenna setup !
1/4 WL VERTICAL with CAP. HAT and some short BEV. (180m)
So all informations was appreciated !
It was a setup acctualy only for this contest and 
VERTICAL ant. will be soon taken down !

Best regards 
de Sasha 9A3NM ( 9A1CCY / 9A5Y ) 

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