Topband: keying waveform-ARRL savy

Bill Aycock baycock at
Tue Jan 27 08:51:16 EST 2004

I am not too sure the ARRL-QST staff has anyone who understands this 
subject and the ways to measure it. I have been puzzled/confused by the 
scope depiction of the key closure- resulting  waveform shown in QST for 
some time. Take a look at the ORION review in the recent QST (January, pg 
66, fig. 2). There is a delay from key closure to signal, which is 
possible, but how and why does the signal start down BEFORE the key is 
opened?  This lack of coordination between key closure track and signal 
track on the scope has a long history. The picture is supposed to be of a 
dual trace scope showing the results of measurements of a critical 
I actually hope I have a lack of understanding, here, because I would like 
to think they are more professional. It looks like someone did a 
cut-and-paste on two pics at different time scales. I have asked the QST 
people and got a "trust us- you're too stupid to understand" answer.
Can someone explain this to me?

Bill Aycock - W4BSG
Woodville, Alabama 

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