Topband: DU9/N0NM on top band regular again

Jon Rudy-MCC Asia Peace Resource mccapr at
Thu Jan 29 08:52:07 EST 2004

Greetings top banders:

I have been on regularly during the US east Coast SR and my SR.  1828.3 is my TX QRG but will quickly go up 1+ when the pileup gets fierce.  Noise is still high and my pennant, delta are about equal to listening on the inv. L. Have worked many EU dupes.  I know there are others who would like a chance so please be considerate of others. 

Jon Rudy
Davao City, Mindanao, Philippines
Zone 27, Grid-PJ27, OC-130
EX: 3DA0CA, 4D71/N0NM, 
       4D71NM, A2/ZS5UZ, 
       C91CO, ZS5UZ, WB0UZZ
QSL via W4DR
E-mail: n0nm at

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