Topband: CQ 160 Announcement

David L. Thompson thompson at
Thu Jan 15 17:54:21 EST 2004

The complete rules are now on the CQ Magazine home page at the bottom

The CW  section is from 0000Z Jan 24 to 2359Z Jan 25, 2004
The SSB section is from 0000Z Feb 28 to 2359Z Feb 29, 2004  (Leap year)

Electronic logs must be correct cabrillo to be accepted.  We do provide a
way to send a non conforming log as a last resort.  Hand logs are also
accepted and sent to CQ.

Please do not send multiple logs or mix modes.  CW logs go to
cq160cw at  and SSB logs go to cq160ssb at

Remember the window has been reinstated at 1830 to 1835 Khz.  Please no same
continent QSOs during hours of darkness in the window.

Good luck  Dave K4JRB  CQ 160 Contests Director

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