Topband: Aluminum push up mast

Paul DeWitte K9OT k9ot at
Fri Sep 10 13:12:35 EDT 2004

I have a full size 80m vertical made from the aluminum sections that Henry
K4TMC sells.
I have it guyed 5 times with plastic twine from big square hay bales (very
strong stuff).
At the joints I use 3 stainless steel screws to secure the connection. I
also number each end of each piece so I can take it down and put it back up
(if necessary) as the screw holes would only fit the ogiginal spacing.
I put up about 25 or so feet and then raised it up at the bottom and put
each new section on and then raised it up to put in the next one. All of the
time letting out the guys a bit at a time so it could be raised. It takes a
while for this method but works fine.
I drilled all of the screw holes and deburred them before putting it up.
They slide together easily.
A 47 foot version of this should be a piece of cake.

73 Paul K9OT

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